(may be amended by specific multilateral agreement)

Prepare2go and/ or its agents assume no responsibility, or liability in connection with, the failure of any provider of service which may be required wholly or in part, in the performance of their duty to the participants.

Neither will they be responsible for any act, error, or omission, or for any injury, loss, accident, delay or irregularity which may be occasioned by any reason, or through neglect or default of any company or person engaged in conveying the participant, or for any other person supplying any service or product whatsoever.

In the event it becomes necessary or advisable for the comfort or well being of the participants, or for any other reason whatsoever, to alter any itinerary or arrangements, such alterations may be made without penalty to Prepare2go or its agents.

Additional expenses, if any, shall be borne by the participants. No special considerations are made for medical condition or physical handicaps. The client accepts full responsibility for evaluating their teams fitness for purpose and shall bear any additional expense should Prepare2go or its agents incur additional costs because of this, or for any emergency movements/ transport or repatriation.

The activities undertaken by Prepare2go and her clients are potentially hazardous. Even the correct selection, maintenance and use of equipment or services cannot eliminate danger. Any person using equipment or services supplied by Prepare2go is personally responsible for any outcome, and assumes all risks and accepts all responsibility for any damages or injuries of any kind, including death.

With aviation related activities, the Pilot in Command retains full and complete responsibility for the safe conduct of his aircraft and full briefing of his passengers, at all times. Any and all information provided by Prepare2go may not be relied upon for the operation of any flight. He is fully aware of the potentially hazardous nature of the trip to be undertaken and guarantees that all the legal obligations with regards to the aircraft he is in command off and his own personal legal documents are fulfilled.

The right is reserved to withdraw any or all parts of any activity should conditions warrant, also declining to accept or retain any member of any team. All contracts for services provided by Prepare2go and its agents or affiliates, are entered into in Belgium and all parties to such contracts submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of Brussels.


Prepare2go is made up of a can-do, enthusiastic team who between them manage a multitude of skills and languages (and come from all over the globe). We’re able to allocate exactly the right person to your project to make it work as enjoyably/ smoothly as possible.

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For more information please feel free to send us an email or just give us a call.


Tel:                            +32 2880 2154

Fax:                           +32 2 880 03 50

Email:                        info@prepare2go.com