Prepare2go organises Flying Safaris to the more unusual, exotic and exciting destinations of our beautiful globe. Fly further, enjoying the security and comfort of our accompanying organisation and support.
Trans Atlantic Flying Expedition
20.06.2017 - 30.06.2017
Take part in our fascinating and beautiful expedition to New York and Oshkosh from Europe, via the Faroe Islands, Iceland, Greenland and Canada.
Romania Bush flying
17.09.2016 - 9 days
This is a tour of the private airstrips and full off-airport locations located in Transylvania, Romania.
Oskosh to London Flying Expedition
On demand - 14 days
Or the other way around? Fly from the USA to Europe, via Canada, Greenland, Iceland and the Faroe Islands.
Fly out France
On demand - 3 days
Please This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for details.
Discovery Flying Safari
On demand - 7 days
A great introduction to aviation touring, guaranteed to be a lot of fun that will also improve your confidence and competence. Every trip is different, we work with the weather and the interesting places to create one-off experiences each time.
Helicopter Expedition Scandinavia
05.06.2016 - 6 days
A helicopter-only trip into Scandinavia, a blend of comfort (hotels) and adventure (campsites on dry riverbeds and tall-tales for those who want).
Crete2cape Vintage Air Rally
09.11.2016 - 36 days
The ultimate aviators dream, flying your own aeroplane or helicopter from Europe to Cape Town. Three weeks travelling the African continent, taking in the best it has to offer.
North Pole Flying Expedition
On demand - 5 days
An ultimate aviators adventure, flying your own aircraft to the North Pole and landing there. You will be using an ice strip that survives for less than a month.
Europe to Australia Flying Safari
On demand - 24 days
The big one, particularly as on arrival at destination. We then need to get home, either by a variation on the outbound or by continuing to complete an 'earthrounder'.
Castles of France Flying Safari
May 2016 - 7 days
An unforgettable trip, combing luxury and a little adventure. A tour around France, landing at chateaux with private airstrips. Fun and very, very comfortable.
Near East Flying Safari
On demand - 13 days
A fascinating flying trip around this beautiful, yet troubled region. Be prepared to spend 13 days immersed in the combination of stories from 2000 years ago to each morning's CNN roundup.
Helicopter Tour Russia
On demand - 14 days
This is our most luxurious trip, but also an adventure in its own way. Flying in Russia is not easy but thanks to our partnership with the Russian Helicopter Club we have put together an ambitious but achieveable route.
South America Flying Expedition
On demand - 55 days
This journey takes us all the way from the US to Tierra del Fuego, and even onto Antarctica for those wanting to add this last section.
Algeria Flying Safari
On demand - 10 days
More adventure than luxury. Enjoy amazing sights and fantastic flying over dune fields and abandoned desert forts in the Sahara.
Turkey Flying Safari
On demand - 14 days
An exceptional trip, combining beautiful sights from the air and almost unparalleled culture and history on the ground. We also spend two nights in Georgia.
Libya Flying Safari
10 days
This was a simply stunning trip, our first, and just on Europe's doorstep. Unfortunately on hold since the revolution - we don't know when it will next be possible again.
If you want to do your own trip, either alone or with handpicked friends, then let us know. We can put it all together for you, to be enjoyed either alone or actually accompanied by one of our team.