Prepare 2 Go makes every effort to maintain the accuracy of the information on this website but cannot accept responsibility for any prejudice, loss or damage which may occur from use of the information. The company does not provide quality control of external links; the inclusion of any company's or trader's name within the pages should not be construed as a recommendation of companies or trader's products and/or services.

If you find anything on this website that causes concern please contact us.


Prepare2go is made up of a can-do, enthusiastic team who between them manage a multitude of skills and languages (and come from all over the globe). We’re able to allocate exactly the right person to your project to make it work as enjoyably/ smoothly as possible.

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For more information please feel free to send us an email or just give us a call.


Tel:                            +32 2880 2154

Fax:                           +32 2 880 03 50
