In July 2015, in partnership with Coode Associates from London, we ran an event for a FTSE100 company’s top management team. The focus was on disorientation then reorientation – to the degree that not only the challenges but even the destination (the arctic circle) were unknown to the clients. The event was a huge success, and the team felt considerably more aligned and focussed at the end of the 48 (challenging) hours. “I feel I’ve been away a month” was just one of the comments on the flight home.
With Coode Associates we are now developing further events, themed Mountain, Jungle and Desert – in addition to this Arctic one.
Please This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or Coode Associates if you are looking for a corporate team-building or incentive that is utterly different to any others you have done before.